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مقايسه امكانات جديد EPM 2007 با نسخ قبلي چاپ پست الكترونيكی
نوشته شده مدير سايت   

Imageمقايسه امكانات جديد 2007 (Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management (EPM  با نسخ قبلي

مقايسه زير كه از سايت ميكروسافت اخذ شده است امكانات راه حل مديريت پروژه يكپارچه ميكروسافت با نسخه هاي قبلي را مقايسه مي نمايد. EPM 2007  شامل بخشي جديد به نام Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 جهت مديريت طرحها در سطح يك سازمان مي باشد .

توجه : مواردي كه با ستاره مشخص شده است امكاناتي است كه در Project Portfolio Server 2007  اضافه شده است :

راهنماي جدول :

  = داراي اين امكان d = امكانات ارتقاء يافته  n  = امكانات جديد


Visibility and insights

Features and Benefits EPM Solution -
2002 release
EPM Solution -
2003 release
EPM Solution -
2007 release
Portfolio Builder*
Build a repository quickly to consolidate all business and IT investment entities (that is, projects, programs, and applications).
Portfolio Governance Workflow Engine*
Define multiple workflows to standardize, communicate, and enforce the portfolio governance framework across the organization.
Portfolio prioritization*
Use the Pair-wise Comparison Matrix to objectively prioritize your organization’s business strategy and enterprise architecture standards and strategy for the upcoming planning period. Use best practice techniques to prioritize and evaluate competing investments within the portfolio.
Portfolio optimization*
Employ sophisticated optimization algorithms to select the project and program portfolios that best align with the organization’s business strategy.
Advanced portfolio analytics*
Efficient frontier analysis, sensitivity analysis, business alignment assessment, and decision dashboard.
Portfolio dashboard*
Create multiple personalized views (for example, cost, resource, or schedule) to analyze the investments from varying dimensions.
Office Project Server 2007 Gateway*
A bi-directional link between Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, which enables the use of Office Project Server 2007 to a single instance of Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 and the managing of data exchange between the environments.
Proposal management
Initiate projects on the Web and gain provides better analysis and use of business processes to track potential projects.
Activity Plan
Track activities on the Web and cover the full project life cycle by managing work that follows the completion of a project.
Visual Reports
Use Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Professional to produce charts, graphs, and diagrams based on Project data. Define custom report templates to share with other Project users. These templates and reports can be previewed from a dialog box in Office Project.
Desktop OLAP cube
Create customer reports or archive Project values by using data that is exported from Project into a Microsoft Office Access 2007 database and OLAP cubes. Five cubes are generated: task time-phased, task non-time-phased, resource time-phased, resource non-time-phased, and assignment time-phased.
Define a budget field at a high level (program or project), so that the project manager can allocate funds and track costs against the budget.
Reporting Data Service
Complete data warehouse that is updated in real time with report-friendly schema.
Cost resources
Define planned and actual cost for a task. Cost resources supports integration of Project with accounting systems.
Task status
Display task details and enable comments to be exchanged between a team member and project manager. Supports export to timesheets.
Background Cell Highlighting
Call out important dates, costs, or tasks by changing the background color of cells in the table portion of the view.
Multiple currency
Support multiple currencies in a single instance of Office Project Server 2007; set currency for each project.
Proposed resource assignment
Proposed resources can now be added to project schedule, for high visibility into resource availability and assignment.
Multiple resource attributes
Assign enhanced multiple skill attributes to individual resources.
Build Team in Office Project Web Access
Perform quick resource search and assignments to projects using a Web-based version of Build Team from Enterprise.
Gantt charts, calendars, and task sheets
Manage and present project information in versatile views that communicate plans clearly.
Resource leveling
Gain control when leveling resources and take advantage of scheduling features, such as task calendars, priority values, project level priority, and contoured resource availability.
Portfolio reporting and analysis
Gain insight into the health of a project portfolio by interacting with time-phased data and charts through a Web-based portal.
Network Diagram view
Group tasks and display graphical indicators in the Network Diagram view.
Usage views
Group assignments, roll up grouped time-phased information in usage views, and include totals when printing usage views.
Earned value calculations
Use EVA calculations including Schedule Performance Index (SPI), To Complete Performance Index (TCPI), Cost Performance Index (CPI), Cost Variance Percentage (CV%), and Schedule Variance Percentage (SV%).
Flexible tracking methods
Use the status date to view progress and track actuals by Percent of Work Complete, Actual Work Done, and Work Remaining.
Cube-Building Service
Use a full set of OLAP cubes for what-if analytics and reports, including tasks, resources, projects, timesheets, issues, and risks.
Task linking
Set up dependencies among tasks so that a change rapidly displays the impact on the overall project.
Resource assignment
Understand the impact of assigning a resource by using the Effort Driven setting. Search and filter for appropriate resources and graph their availability.
Resource import
Import resources into the resource pool from an Exchange Server address book. Project also enables users to import resources from Active Directory.
Material resources
Specify consumable resources such as lumber or concrete and assign them to tasks. Allocate these resources in units that make sense, such as tons.
Generic resources
Define and save frequently used skill and code profiles as generic resources, ex. a role, for skill-based resource assignment.
Features and Benefits EPM Solution
- 2002 release
EPM Solution
- 2003 release
EPM Solution
- 2007 release
Business Alignment Framework*
This objective process helps map your projects to your business objectives to select the best portfolio.
Assignment Owner
Now users can track time and assignments for other types of resources such as generic, cost, or material resources.
Multiple Level Undo
Reverse the most recent series of changes; that is, undo and redo changes to views, data, and options.
Task Driver pane
Shows dependencies and resource constraints that drive the start data of the selected task. Click these drivers to link to the relevant information.
Change Highlighting
When changes are made to a project, then all affected task and resource fields are highlighted.
Hijri calendar
Access the lunar calendar that is used in Islamic regions.
Manage non-working time
Named vacations and the option of setting up alternative work weeks enables users to control and understand when a resource can work.
Risks tracking
Associate risks with tasks and projects, specify probability and impact, assign ownership, and track progress to manage projects more efficiently. Risks tracking requires Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Help features
Online training enables users to learn about features through the Web. It also includes Help features such as “Spotlight.”
Project report printing
Project report printing uses WYSIWYG techniques.
Assistance Center integration
Microsoft online Assistance Center is integrated with Project for additional help and support.
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 integration
Team members can display tasks from their Office Outlook 2007 To-Do Bar or calendar, along with project tasks, in one convenient location.
Personal task list
Team members can get control of all of their tasks from multiple projects by adding and tracking tasks in a single location.
Office Project Web Access
Office Project Web Access is now based on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and has a new user interface. Use Office Project Web Access to import Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 project task lists.
Project Guide
Build, manage, and report on projects and resources with the help of an interactive, wizard-like tool in the left pane of Project.
Web-based Project portal
Improved layout helps team members and stakeholders easily navigate through the portal. Group, apply colors to groups, display splits in the Gantt views, and employ additional AutoFilters.
Status reports
Supports report aggregation and routing, while also enabling users to export status reports to Office Word 2003 and later versions.
Automated e-mail notifications
Make sure project information stays current by using automated e-mail notifications that are triggered by events such as project updates, upcoming milestones, issues, and more.
Document library
Enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing on projects by linking supporting project documentation to projects and tasks. Document library requires Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Task creation and delegation
Delegate tasks from leads to team members or peer-to-peer as needed through a Web-based portal. Team members can also create and reject tasks.
Microsoft interface
Navigate intuitively with familiar Microsoft features such as Search, Task Panes, and adaptive menus.
Office Excel 2007 integration
Easily import and export Office Excel 2007 data by using a mapping wizard and Excel task list template, as well as other supported file types.
Auto-accept rules
Choose the approval method that best fits your project and save time by eliminating the need to review time reports every time they are submitted.
Issue tracking
Associate issues with tasks or projects, assign ownership, track progress, and record resolutions to manage projects more efficiently. Requires Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Project updates
Review, group, and filter summarized updates and task requests through the Updates page.


Features and Benefits EPM Solution
- 2002 release
EPM Solution
- 2003 release
EPM Solution
- 2007 release
Active Cache
Get a smooth offline experience, providing improved performance and reliability.
Hierarchy of master project that can be saved and published to Office Project Server 2007. Key performance indicators and analysis are provided at the program level.
Access a Windows SharePoint Services list used to create and manage across project dependencies.
Report on project and non-project work. Time and progress can be reported at a summary or detailed level over the Web or in Office Outlook 2007. Supports fiscal or calendar periods, lockdown of closed periods, and capture of non-project time.
Task updates
Use Office Project Web Access to get task-update approvals with preview, (no round trip required).
Team resources
Assign a task to a team instead of an individual, so that any team member can accept the work.
Assignment Owner
Designate a person who can manage time reporting on behalf of a material resource or someone offline.
Server-side Queuing Service
Work requests are queued pending server availability to handle peak loads.
Edit resources
Edit resource data using Office Project Web Access.
Timesheet lockdown
Prevent time entry outside of date ranges by using timesheet period lockdown tool to help protect actuals.
Baseline lockdown
Administrators lock down baselines to prevent further baseline changes.
View multiple projects
Open multiple project schedules from the Web-based Project Center to review and compare.
Permanent resource deletion
Permanently delete resources from the enterprise pool instead of just inactivating them.
Proposed versus committed resource
Lock in a resource or permit acceptance or rejection of an assignment.
Administration of Office Project Server 2007 is more flexible and has additional views, functionality, roles, and permissions.
Project and enterprise templates
Take advantage of new project templates. Save time and create consistency customizing your organization’s best practices.
Multiple managers
Provide multiple project managers with permissions to track specified tasks and resources in a project.
Database cleanup
Delete old information, such as projects, tasks, resource task changes, and status reports, for easier maintenance of Office Project Server 2007.
Enterprise-wide resource pool
Centrally stores all resource information including assignments, usage, and availability across the organization. Analyze the types or resources needed on a project and locate optimal resource matches.
Enterprise-wide resource availability
Easily evaluate resource usage and availability across a project portfolio to better determine resource workload and capacity requirements.
Enterprise resource assignment
Select resources from the enterprise resource database based on criteria such as availability, skills, location, and more.
Display three timescales in the Gantt chart and other graph and usage views.
Reschedule uncompleted work
Maintain constraints when uncompleted work is rescheduled and select any reschedule date.
Cross-project critical path
Calculate the critical path within each inserted project or across all inserted projects to see a single critical path for the overall master project, and keep track of cross-project dependencies.
Multiple baselines
Save and store up to 11 full baselines throughout the course of a project.
Safe mode
Continue to work in Project if you encounter an unexpected system failure or file or registry corruption.
Enterprise codes and custom fields
Ensure consistent, accurate, and complete cross-project and resource reports by defining standards through custom fields that use formulas, outline codes, and pick lists (for example, skill codes) for projects, tasks, and resources.
Enterprise global
Store data that is common to all projects, such as views, tables, and enterprise fields, through the Enterprise Global Template.
Check-in and check-out
Help protect the project portfolio by preventing multiple users from simultaneously editing the same enterprise project at the same time.


Features and Benefits EPM Solution
- 2002 release
EPM Solution
- 2003 release
EPM Solution
- 2007 release
Project Server Interface (PSI)
The PSI, along with the Project Server Eventing Service, exposes the functionality and data that client applications need to integrate with Office Project Server 2007.
Server-side events
More than 200 before and after events can be supported, which supports use of Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation.
Server-side scheduling
Revised project schedules can be updated on the Web against Office Project Server 2007; this no longer requires Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007.
Windows SharePoint Services integration
Office Project Web Access views are provided as Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web Parts.
New architecture
All three-tier architecture is exposed in .NET instead of in ASP.
Forms authentication
Forms authentication provides shared logon for Office Project Web Access and Office Project Professional 2007.
Sample database
A sample database enables clients to experiment with Office Project Server 2007 before production.
Windows SharePoint Services integration
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 comes with Microsoft Windows Server, tightly integrates with Office Project Server 2007, and is the platform for Office Project Web Access.
SharePoint Web Parts
SharePoint Web Parts provide dashboard generation that use Office Project Server 2007 functions.
Active Directory synchronization
Improved Active Directory synchronization.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Application-level events at the task, resource, and assignment level enable developers to run code on various user actions.
COM add-ins
Use COM add-ins to build customized solutions that meet specific needs of your projects.
OLE DB provider
Get support for time-phased data and additional tables.
Enhance system performance through load balancing for the servers and clustering for the database server.
Office Outlook 2007 dashboard
Access Office Project Server 2007 information within Office Outlook 2007.
XML file format
Use XML file format for sharing data with other line-of-business applications.
Project Guide customization
Effectively promote best practices in processes or project management from within Project.
Security model
New middle-tier security layer uses XML and SOAP to transport data and help provide security by filtering project data based on individual users.
Extensible Systems integration
Integrate Office Project Server 2007 with other document-management or issue-tracking systems through an extensible server-side object.



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معرفی خدمات و محصولات مدیریت پروژه و سیستمهای اطلاعات پروژه

به اطلاع کلیه سازمانها و شرکتهایی که در زمینه خدمات مدیریت پروژه یا سیستمهای اطلاعات پروژه فعالیت می نمایند می رساند سایت IranPMIS در راستای اهداف خود به منظور اطلاع رسانی این خدمات به جامعه مدیریت پروژه کشور اینگونه خدمات و محصولات را به رایگان در سایت منتشر می نماید.
به این منظور لازم است اطلاعات لازم را برای مدیر سایت ارسال نمایند.

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